Monday, May 13, 2024

"None" but Not "Atheist"

The percent of the American population that reports no religious affiliation has increased dramatically over the last few decades--from about 5% to almost 30% today. These individuals, who are referred to as the "nones" because they select "none" on surveys when asked for their religious affiliation, now outnumber the Catholics in the U.S.A., which is America's largest denomination.

But who are the nones? And exactly how religious are they?

This has been the topic of a lot of research in recent years, and this article on Religion Unplugged provides an excellent look at why the increase in Nones has not meant an increase in atheism.

As you read this article, ask yourself:

  • What is the difference between being a none and being an atheist?
  • What are the characteristics of nones, and how do those differ from atheists?
  • What people are likely to become nones, and which people are more likely to become atheists?
  • What might it take for the people who are nones today to switch into something other than none in the future?

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