Monday, September 21, 2009

ECON/RELSTD 17 Course Information Fall 2009

This blog will act as our course's web site for the ECON 17 course in the Fall 2009 quarter at UCI. Please bookmark this page in your browser and visit it daily.

Relevant course materials (syllabus, lecture notes, homework assignments and solutions, etc.) will be available for you to download via links in the sidebar.

You can also participate in online blog discussions. Once or twice a week I will publish a post on some topic related to our course that is inspired by current events or lecture material. Everybody is encouraged to make comments.

Finally, this web site will also serve as the hub for our book club with God is Back by Micklethwait and Wooldrige, with more details to follow.


  1. Where is the homework assignment? I can't find the link to download it how it says in the syllabus...

  2. Where can I download the lecture notes for this class?

  3. On in the dropbox for econ 17

  4. Yep, all files can be downloaded via the course's dropbox on UCI's eee. If you are not a student in the class, then send an email to thereligiousmarketplace-at-gmail-dot-com with your request.


Comments of economic content are welcome. Comments that deride or criticize others will be removed.